Updated: 2024/7/24
1. 教員氏名
Tim Greer
2. 教員の略歴
オーストラリア出身。南クイーンズランド大学教育学部卒.南クイーンズランド大学教育学研究科修了.博士(教育学).クイーンズランド州教育省,北海道大学を経て,2004年より神戸大学教員.全国語学教育学会バイリンガリズム研究部会長、他を歴任.現在,アジア会話分析ネットワーク理事,Interactional Competence and Practices in Second Languages (ICoP-L2)研究会理事他.
Born in Australia, Prof. Greer completed his Doctorate of Education in the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland. After working for the Queensland Department of Education and Hokkaido University, he has been teaching at Kobe University since 2004. He has served as the Chairperson of the JALT Bilingualism SIG and is a co-founder and organizer of the Conversation Analysis Network in Asia (CAN-Asia). He is also currently a board member of the Interactional Competence and Practices in Second Languages (ICoP-L2) committee.
3. 教員連絡先
(メール) tim@kobe-u.ac.jp
(サイト) https://tim792.wixsite.com/greer
4. 教員研究キーワード(10個程度)
応用言語学,会話分析,語用論,英語教育,TBLT,日本語教育,Membership Categorization Analysis,バイリンガリズム,会話上のアイデンティティ研究,(授業外の)第2言語使用,談話分析
Applied Linguistics, Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, English education, TBLT, Japanese Education, Membership Categorization Analysis, Bilingualism, Identity in interaction, L2 use beyond the classroom, Discourse analysis.
5. 対応可能な言語種別
6. ゼミで指導可能な学問分野・テーマ
I am interested in students who wish to specialize in Applied Linguistics and language education from a socio-interactional perspective, particularly through micro discourse analytic approaches such as CA, MCA or Occasioned Semantics.
7. ゼミ指導に関する基本方針(テーマ設定,指導スタイル,学外発表ノルマなど)
・Zemi meetings are generally held three times a month, and instruction is provided during the summer vacation. For the convenience of the students, many of the zemi meetings are now conducted online.
・Students can expect to take part in conference presentations at least once a year (several times a year is desirable for D students).
8. ゼミで執筆する修論・博論について
Conversation Analysis is primarily a qualitative research method, so it requires a certain amount of writing. In the case of past seminar students, the average length of a master's thesis is about 100 pages, and that of a doctoral thesis is about 200-300 pages. In addition, in this seminar you will be expected to write in English, please proceed with that in mind.
9. ゼミの魅力(学会発表,ゼミ旅行,先輩との交流など)
毎年開催されるCAN Asiaシンポジウムや年2回開催されるICOP-L2カンファレンスなど、国内外のCA-SLAカンファレンスでの発表が奨励されています。
・One thing that particularly distinguishes this zemi from others in the course is that it largely takes place in English. Most of the readings and discussions are in English and students are encouraged to write their theses in English as well. For this reason, the zemi often has students and visitors from overseas, as well as Japanese who have studied abroad in the past.
・Our members are encouraged to present at CA-SLA conferences in Japan and overseas, including the annual CAN Asia symposium and the semi-annual ICOP-L2 conference.
10. ゼミOB/OGの就職状況
後期課程修了者: 大阪大学准教授,広島国際大学准教授,福井県立大学准教授,カタール大学専任講師,同志社大学特任講師、 中国中南财经政法大学准教授
前期課程修了者: 神戸女子学院中学部・高等学部教員,関西大学高等部教員,宮崎教育委員会他
Graduates from this seminar have gone on to work at a variety of different educational contexts such as universities in Japan (such as Osaka University, Fukui Prefectural University, Hiroshima International University) and overseas (such as Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Qatar University), as well as in high schools and junior high schools in Japan (including Kobe College High School, Kansai University Junior and Senior School, and Miyazaki Board of Education). Others have gone on to pursue further study abroad.
11. ゼミ希望の学生・留学生に望むこと
Conversation Analysis is a field of study that demands patient and observant attention to detail and a keen sense of grounded discovery. I welcome applications from students who are serious about studying natural interaction and who are eager to examine language learning and teaching from a usage-based perspective. My seminar accepts both international students and Japanese students, especially those with a strong background in English. Students who wish to participate in the seminar are required to contact the faculty members in advance and have an online interview with them.
12. ゼミ希望者が読んでおくべき文献
• Wong, J., & Waring, H. Z. (2010). Conversation analysis and second language pedagogy: A guide for ESL/EFL teachers. Routledge.
• Nofsinger, R. E. (1999). Everyday conversation. Waveland.
• 高木智世 (著), 細田由利 (著), 森田笑 (著) (2016)「会話分析の基礎」 ひつじ書房
• Schegloff, E. A. (2007). Sequence organization in interaction: A primer in conversation analysis I (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.
• https://tim792.wixsite.com/greer/publications よりアクセスしてお読みください
• Encyclopedia of Terminology for CA and IL https://emcawiki.net/Encyclopedia_of_Terminology_for_CA_and_IL